That all-important first kiss

The alarm is not - men are better start to improve your kissing skills, research has shown that first kiss is all that for a woman to decide whether he wants to "Get in touch with him.

 The study found that women have developed kissing as an evolutionary tool to find the father of her children, and often women than men can only judge the quality of their first kiss parties.

 The étudiantsou, based on a questionarIch responded to byovhe fifth ousand students evaluated before their views on kissing, and found that women with more emphasis on a kiss and are dependent on Kiss as a mate assessment technique "than men.

 In addition, the researchers have discovered that bad breath is also an important factor that can be interpreted as a sign of health problems. Speaking of contact and scambiosaliva were trouverprêts to beidebi sexes make subconscious assessments about others.

 Women's breath can indicate hormone levels and fertility, while male saliva will have traces of testosterone, sex hormone. Long-term relationships, women as important in a hug of a report. The study also found that men who have less importance on kissing as the relationship progress.